hoy a las dos de la mañana, encontré tu blog, el de Carlos Miguel Chaclan García.
TOTONICAPAN, tierra de montañas, vegetacion y de grandes proceres
q blog mas interesante.
nunca he ido a toto, pero bienvenido a blogger.com
felipe estrada y familia
felipe estrada y familia
Labels: no mas drogas
andy, petu and andy's son (my sister and brother in law), papi and josé @ petu and rocco's wedding
andy, hijo de petu y andy (hermana y cuñado, papi y josé en la boda de rocco y petu
the wedding gang
la mara para el casorio
joselito, papi, y demas familia en case de chepe y maría en lawrence
zorylee, willie and family, the night before petu's casorio
zorylee, willie (hermana y cuñado) y demas familia, la noches antes de la boda
my sister petu
mi hermana petu
petu, younger and in guatemala
petu and felipe
petu and rocco....mr and mrs rocco digloria
la petu and rocco...mr and mrs rocco digloria!!!
my brother pancho
mi hermano pancho
alex hernandez and tio felipe in bayside
alex hernandex y tio felipe en bayside
alex, titi betsy and tio felipe, also in bayside, miami
alex, aunt betsy and uncle felipe, también en bayside, miami
alex hernandez jr (nieto de pancho) en bayside, miami
betsy, alex jr, brenda, odalys and felipe
my sister zorylee and her husband willie
mi hermana zorylee y su esposo willie
my brother joselito
mi hermano joselito
glaucia, trinidad, diego y rogelio campusano en chile
glaucia, trinidad, diego and rogelio campusano en chile
magda herbruger-salcedo cousin
julien marcus, magdita (maternal cousin) and paola marcus (daughter of magdita and roberto) in guatemala.
julien marcus
julien, paola and her husband, brandon marcus
herman herbruger-salcedo cousin
herman herbruger "hijo" (son of my cousin herman and patricia)
ana herbruger-salcedo cousin
cristian penabad
cristian, any, juan, johnny, gaby, magda and johnny's mom
gonzalo salcedo and linda chargorodsky
linda chargorodsky and her husband, gonzalo (my maternal uncle) salcedo 2007
pamela, david (son of gonzalo and linda) y michelle (the twins belong to claudia, david's sister)
pamela, david y michelle
sergio (my cousin, son of gonzalo and linda) and his daughter, sabrina
sergio, chalo and linda
alejandrito (son of alejandro salcedo and karen morgan) salcedo and sergio
alex jonathan (son of alejandrito), alejandrito (son of alejandro, gonzalo's brother) , chalo and sergio salcedo
david salcedo...boca ratón, fl
salcedo-matamorros cousins
joseph and cory salcedo (sons of joe (son of cesar salcedo and aída matamorros) and lynnanne) ...2005
joe (my maternal cousin, son of cesar and aida salcedo), cory and lynnanne salcedo...2005
david, betsy, cory, joseph, lynnanne and phil...2007
david, betsy, lynnanne, joe, cory and phil
joe, terra and sam dankowski (joe's nephews and niece), maya (my cousin, joe's sister) and tom's kids
terra dankowsi
lorena (my cousin, maya's sister), maya and their families in ny
alex jonathan salcedo (son of alejandrito and monica)...cayos 2006
Labels: familia salcedo / salcedo family